One of my favorite feelings:
Getting into a bed with ultra-fresh sheets.
One of my pet peeves:
Getting the last 4 squares of TP on a roll when I really like to have a little more than that.
As you may be able to guess, I just went to the loo and am currently sitting in my bed with super clean sheets. I love that feeling, don't you? It's classy, never goes out of style and it's comfortable...kind of like a great white V-neck tee. (I totally love those too. I have way too many. But then again, they're classy, never go out of style and are comfortable. What's not to love about that?) I love being in bed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a total lazy bum, but it's so dang comfy! I love being a tinge chilled so that I can bundle up under all my blankets and such. Snuggle with my bear, who's name is Bear, btw.
Bear is probably my most prized possession, more so than this here lap top. Or even my passport. I could always get a new one of those. But Bear...well, he's for keeps.
I've had Bear for, oh, going on 14 years this December. He was a gift from my mom when I was 12. You see, the day after Christmas, I had to have ear surgery. When I was a wee little chick-a-dee, I had tubes put in my ears which we supposed to fall out within a year. They didn't. One fell out a few years after the fact. The other (good ol' lefty) vacated my ear drum around the age of twelve...leaving a hole behind. He failed at his job. Epically. The doctors said it was a miracle I could hear at all. (Apparently the hole was, like, a millimeter above where I would have been completely deaf. Granted, I am a tad tone deaf, but you win some, you lose some, right?) So, my brilliant father scheduled my surgery during Christmas break so I wouldn't have to miss school (how responsible) and the only available date was the crack of dawn (before God is even ready to start His day) on the 26th. Barf. Literally, I barfed after surgery. Anesthesia is potent in my body.
Anyway, when I came to, there was Bear, resting comfortably in my arms with the same bandage around his head that was around mine. It was love at first consciousness.
Bear has been with me through thick and thin. I realize that age twelve is a tid bit old to become attached to a stuffed animal. I also realize I'm probably too old to still sleep with one. But, I don't care. At all. He fits perfectly under my arm in a nice little head lock. He went with me across the ocean when I studied abroad. When I travel every summer, no matter where I go, Bear is smashed into my suitcase to be my companion.
Poor Bear has been held outside of car windows flying through the air at 70 mph (not with my permission), hung in a shower by a noose, and punched in the face by many silly boys. He has stared at me his deep eyes while I have prayed, cried and laughed. He has a certain crooked smile now from being squished so much. He's been through a lot. I kind of love him...the healthy way that one can "love" a, inanimate object.
The way Bear is faithful shows me in a strange way that God is faithful. I know it's a stretch, but stick with me. Bear stays with me through thick and thin. He doesn't speak (always...wink). He fits a special place in my heart. He has suffered greatly for me and while he may seem to others to be a little worn and tired, I know that he is always the same.
Please don't think that I'm heretically comparing my teddy bear to the Lord. The Lord is perfect, and Bear has also almost been decapitated once or twice and quickly sewn back into prime form. My God, your God, is perfect. He is steady. He is the light. He brings comfort. He may be silent sometimes, but He is always there with loving eyes and a Love so intense for us, so ferocious, so gentle, so healing, that He willingly suffers when we (especially me) want to run from the Love. He keeps on a'comin.
God is there in the midst of it all. In the desolation, in the joys, in the little victories, and everywhere in between, He stays true. He is Truth. And Truth is Truth. It cannot change. If God were to stop Loving...well He wouldn't be who He says He is...which is I AM.
Bear is my snugly little pal. God is snugly when that is what I need, but He is also a virtue-builder...a carpenter for my heart, if you will. And as much as I fail, epically, at letting Him build my life, I always find myself resting in HIS arms, knowing that it's there that I am loved.
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