Thursday, April 7, 2011

Before it begins...

I heard the following song on the radio today. It made me feel good about the following...

I'm jumping in my good ol' car tomorrow (his name is Diego) and hitting the open road. I've been toying with this idea of going on a road trip "solo mio" for some time and have been convinced for some time that God wants me to do it. There are so many reasons for this trip.

1. I'm hitting up a lot of locations that I'm writing about in my book.
2. It's Lent. I'm making a personal pilgrimage.
3. Why not?
4. Most importantly, God asked me to.

I used to think that doing something like this was nuts. Especially by myself. But something changed.

I realized I didn't trust Jesus. Or love Him most of all. Don't get me wrong, I've thought this is not a new concept. But Lent hit, the "s" hit the fan and I hit the floor. In the fetal position. Sobbing like am out of control toddler.

For so long, I've been afraid to love Him and let Him love me and trust in that love. Why? I don't rightly know, there are a myriad of reasons. But what better way to get to know someone than to travel with them. Just me and Jesus for a few weeks. And you, if you'll have me.

I'm going to be writing all about the trip. Taking photos. Videos even. (Thank you Lauren for lending me your Flip - literally an answer to a silly prayer.) The trip isn't just about travel or writing or even me. It's about finding God in the mundane. Getting to know Him as Beloved and Friend. I hate to be alone, especially in the car for a long time and He is calling me out of my comfort zone. Join me, won't you?

The song by Miranda Lambert is (for me) about being brave, listening to the Wise voice speaking in my heart and following It. This intro is kind of fluffy, but don't you worry, more substance will come....consider this the mini cupcake before dinner. All you need to know is, there is more.

Get excited. I haven't been this jazzed to do something in quite some time. Jesus, I trust in you.

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